Shame of Humanity
Corridas de toros, la vergüenza de la humanidad
Corridas de toros - Vergüenza social
Bull breeders say that while a bull inherits its size and strength from his father, ~
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In a Better World
Plaza Toros Barcelona
Meanwhile, while we wait...
he gets his fighting heart from his mother.
Islero's Fan Club
"While I normally don't take pleasure in other people's misfortune,
I have to admit that injury to people in the act of tormenting an animal
gives me great joy."
- Islero
It doesn't matter if they can reason it doesn't matter if they can speak what does matter is that they can suffer. |
Bullfighting, Shame of Humanity
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Corridas de toros, Vergüenza social
is the motto of the worldwide campaign launched by the
Anti-Taurine Movement of Colombia
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Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures
is amusing in itself.
Jan. 8, 2011
Spain's National Broadcaster Bans Bullfighting
State TV Network Ends Broadcasts of Bullfights Under New Guidelines Governing Violence and Animals
28 July 2010
Catalonia bans bullfighting in landmark Spain vote
Hoy el parlamento autónomo de Cataluña prohibió las corridas de toros en esa provincia española,
Ojalá algún día no muy lejano pase lo mismo en toda Colombia!
Long Live Opiparo!
Bullfighter Julio Aparicio Gored in Throat During Bullfight
Julio Aparicio Gored in Throat During Bullfight ~
No Mas Maltrato a Ningun Ser Vivo! ~
Suffering of Bulls and Horses ~ Fire Bull 9.25.09 ~
Spanish matador Israel Lancho Don't miss the Video
Please send protest letters or one of our postcards
Bull Gores Colombian
Islero must be smiling.
Pictures and Video
By Mail Foreign Service
22nd May 2010
Spanish matador Julio Aparicio needed two operations after he was horrifically gored through the throat during a bullfight in Madrid.
The half-ton bull, called Opiparo, struck after Julio Aparicio lost his footing and stumbled while carrying out a pass with is red cape in a packed Las Ventas bullring.
One of the animal’s horns tore into his throat and punched through the bottom of his mouth as the crowd screamed in horror at the bullfight last night.
Spanish matador Julio Aparicio needed two operations after he was horrifically gored through the throat during a bullfight in Madrid.
The half-ton bull, called Opiparo, struck after Julio Aparicio lost his footing and stumbled while carrying out a pass with is red cape in a packed Las Ventas bullring.
One of the animal’s horns tore into his throat and punched through the bottom of his mouth as the crowd screamed in horror at the bullfight last night.
(Graphic Photos)
Huffington Post
Julio Aparicio, one of Spain's most famous matadors, was gored in the throat today during a bullfight. The horrific injury has left him in critical condition:
"[The horn] went though the tongue and penetrated the roof of the mouth, fracturing the jawbone," one of the medics who worked on Aparicio told AFP news in Madrid.
[UPDATE: After two operations, it appears leading surgeon Maximo Garcia Pedros has saved Aparicio's life. The bull, however, was quickly killed by other matadors.]
The incident took place during the Festival of Saint Isidro, considered to be the most important event in the bullfighting calendar,
at the Plaza de Toros las Ventas bullring, which can seat up to 24,000 people.
Ringside medics rushed him to hospital where leading surgeon Dr Maximo Garcia Pedros performed two operations which saved his life.
The bull was not so fortunate - he was quickly dispatched by fellow matadors.
Despite the madness they had witnessed, the crowd settled down to watch two more bullfights as part of the city's San Isidro festival.
No More Abuse of Any Living Thing!
"Bored with the mischief's of my dog, Luke, a 3 years old shepherd, I decided to play with him in a different way.
I left him starving and thirsty one entire day.
Then I wanted to know what would happen if I switched Luke's water for magnesium milk.
The stupid dog drank it all!
He looked at me, waiting for something to eat but I preferred shutting him in 'cause I didn't wanted to be pissed off.
I left Luke in the dark garage and I swear that if I hadn't hear his howl in the night I wouldn't have remembered he was out there.
Anyway, I left him there until he slept 'cause it was so late.
In the morning I went to see him and there was diarrhea everywhere. I think the magnesium milk took effect, Luke looked very weak and upset due to the bright light in his eyes,
but I had woken up wishing to bug him even more. So I pulled at his tail and pricked his testicles with a fork.
I really found it very funny but something in him as well as in me had changed, Luke wasn't my pet anymore...
Luke was defending himself and began to attack. I felt scared but I knew that he was weak because of diarrhea and fork wounds.
However, he almost tore to pieces my leg, so I grabbed a bar and hit him but the damned dog didn't mind, he didn't run,
but rather keep attacking as he was motivated by the anger, the revenge and the pain, but never mind he was just an animal and I could anticipate each one of his movements.
I didn't notice Luke's wounds because his black hair covered the red of the blood... until a stream of blood poured out his mouth.
Luke was exhausted, his tongue gave him away, he couldn't hide it. I felt pity for that wretch.
But what could I do? He was seriously injured and even so, wanted to attack. I didn't have any choice but to stop his suffering.
I tore through his body with the bar and there was Luke...
Before you think I'm a son of bitch, let's switch Luke to a bull and then what would I be?
An Artist? A Master???
A living creature is a living creature, it doesn't matter if it's a dog or a bull, they feel and suffer.
Francesco Obregon March 14, 2010
Bullfighting is one of the cruelest forms of animal abuse.
Every year, more than 250,000 bulls and cows are tortured and killed worldwide during bullfights and similar events.
Also during fiestas ('village festivals'), tens of thousands of bulls and other animals are severely maltreated.
A toro de fuego ("fire bull") or toro embolado ("bull in balls") is a bull that has balls of flammable material attached to its horns which are lighted,
and is set free in the streets at night for dodging during Spanish Festivals.
Here's the sample letter a lot of people have been emailing to Spanish officials:
Honorable Officials of Spain:
Animal cruelty is not acceptable as entertainment or tradition in the 21st Century.
Yet the Toro Jubilo annually occurs in Medinaceli, a province of Soria, Spain. Jeering mobs harass a bull with balls of burning tar or turpentine (called "pitch") attached to his horns.
A bull’s horns, body and eyes are scorched. Some try to escape hours of agony by smashing into walls.
Archaic spectacles tarnish Spain’s reputation and hinder tourism. I cannot support any society that ignores the senseless brutalization of animals.
I will advise others to join me in a boycott of Spanish tourism and commerce until the Toro Jubilo and other blood fiestas are permanently banned.
I urge Spanish officials to enforce stronger animal cruelty laws that shield animals from all forms of abuse,
including vulgar rituals and blood fiestas.
While different cultures may not understand each other’s customs, all rational humans comprehend cruelty.
Setting fire to a live animal — known as Toro de Fuego or “bull on fire” — is sadistic.
It is time for all regions of Spain to subscribe to the ethical doctrines that shape our civilized world.
Heritage, entertainment, art and religion never justify outright torture.
Thank you,
[name] [country]
There's a group at that's trying to stop the horror of this festival.
Here's the link:
Will you please check out the group & post any information from it that you deem fit?
Thanks, G.G.
is gored after trying to kill a bull during the San Isidro Festival at the Las Ventas bullring in Madrid on May 27, 2009
The Daily Mail reports that the 30-year-old Lancho is likely to be in the intensive care unit of a Madrid
hospital for several days but is expected to survive.
Lancho reportedly has an eight-inch wound in his abdominal area,
but the bull's horn missed his heart.
The incident took place at the San Isidro's fair in Las Ventas bullring.
24th of April of 2009
We have bad news concerning Panama, whilst we fought to prevent this inauguration,
another bullring with capacity for 2000 persons,
was built and inaugurated in the province of Chiriquí, last 18th of April.
Last s\Saturday was inaugurated in Chiriquí (Panama), a small bullring with capacity for 2000 persons,
For the Animals
Maria Lopes
International Movement Against Bullfights
Date: 3/31/2009
Web Site
E Mail
The bullfight scheduled for the 28th of March at Panama City did not take place but now they claim it will take place 25th of April. Please continue to protest.
Dear Friends,
The bullfight scheduled for the 28th of March at Panama City did not take place.
Nonetheless the bullfighting websites claim now that a bullfight is scheduled for the 25th of April.
Panama stopped having Spanish bullfights some years ago and they had no bullrings
the last bullfights performed in Panama were in portable bullrings in small villages.
Panama always had festivals with native bulls and their bullfights are totally different from Spanish bullfights.
They chase the bull with capes and no instruments like banderillas, etc are used.
Please continue to send emails to the authorities of Panama with CC to the newspapers.
Please Click Here
for Addresses and Sample Letters in Spanish and English.
Campaign against the bull of fire of MEDINACELI (Soria)
Source: International Movement Against Bullfights
Date: 11th November, 2008
This particular savagery consists in putting a kind of ball of pitch on both the horns of the bulls and setting them on fire.
The bulls are released on the streets. These balls burn for hours, burning the horns, body and eyes, causing terrible suffering.
Several times the bulls try to kill themselves against walls, due to the horrible pain.
City Hall of Medinaceli
Plaza del Ayuntamiento,1
42240 Medinaceli
Fax + 34 975326053
President of the Diputación Prov. Soria
C/ Caballeros, 17 Soria
SORIA 42071
Tel: +34 975 211089
Fax: +34 975 101091
Turism of Soria
President de la Junta de Castilla y Leon
Plaza de Castilla y Leon,1
Fax + 34 983411269
Suggestions on line to the President
Turism of Castilla y León
For the Animals
Maria Lopes
The Valencian town of Dénia works itself up into a frenzy for the
much-anticipated Toros/Bous a la Mar.
This bull running extravaganza is
staged annually to commemorate the Day of the Sacred Blood of Our Lord Jesus
(el Día de la Santísima a Sangre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo).
There can't be many Christian communities who choose to venerate Jesus
by holding a bull run in the local harbour.
This outrage happens every year between the 3rd and 11th July.
It's not the first time that bulls die either drowned or by other causes,
also they are chased with sticks and kicked.
Write a polite letter in your own language because it will have more impact.
Feb. 10, 2008
Colombian bullfighter Cesar Rincon is gored during a bullfight
at the Macarena's fair in Medellin, Colombia. Rincon was not seriously injured.
Anti-Bullfighting Action
The anti-bullfight Catalonia campaign continues to grow from strength to strength and continues to draw support from animal welfare enthusiasts and supporters from across the globe.
Support the Anti-Bullfighting Campaign ‘Culture without Cruelty‘ and help WSPA to end the cruel sport of bullfighting.
Also from the e-magazine:
The bull walks and runs for hours in the streets while people throw darts at
him. When he is too tired and weak from loss of blood to continue to escape,
the villagers shoot him and cut off his testicules.
According to the legend, every year by the celebrations of San Juan, a selected young person to drawing between those of the city was run by the streets and she defended with two knives or daggers of the attacks of the others. It almost always used to die. But a year touched in luck to the son of a rich lady of the town. This one, distressed, changed it by a bull, and since then, this cruel confinement is the center of the celebrations of Coria.
Dear Friends, ~
How can this be allowed to happen? ~
International Movement Against Bullfights
"Either That, Or It's All The Whiskey" ~
"Dear Friends, ~
June 2007
At the end of each month publishes an e-magazine entitled "Animals Through The World" dealing with a range of campaigns concerning global animal abuse.
To be added to the mailing list, please send an e-mail to
with "subscribe me" as the subject.
CLICK HERE to go to ongoing campaigns..Warning: Extreme Cruelty
has revived a barbaric ritual where a bear is killed. Its purpose is
to send the soul of the bear back to the mountains through a proper ritual
so the soul will be reborn as a bear and revisit the AINU TRIBE with gifts
of meat and fur. We did some research about this ritual and you can find all
information at:
Campaign Against the Barbarity of the Bull of Darts
Date 23rd to 29th June, 2007
At the moment, to the bull a currency nails to him and it loosen to him in the seat of the town, a person selected by the city council begins to throw soplillos to him with blowpipes. Soon, the bull rambles by the town during two hours and receives in its meats the soplillos blown with blowpipes that throw the peculiar neighbors to him and. When its exhaustion wins is ended to him him of a shot in the head and the testicles are cut to him.
Please go to
Campaigns Against Bloody Fiestas
and send protest letters to authorities concerning this and other cruel "festivals."
April 14, 2007
Dear Friends,
As you may know, tomorrow (April 15th) is the last day for MEPs to sign the
Written Declaration, although in reality no more signatures would have been
added after Friday.
The official figures of the EU state that 204 MEPs have signed, meaning that
we were well short of the required number of 393. Regretably bull breeders
will continue to receive subsidies paid for by all of us European tax
It must be said that this declaration, although well intentioned, failed due
to being over-ambitious. Had it concentrated solely on ending subsidies to
bull breeders, we have little doubt that it would have easily achieved the
required signatures.
Many MEPs have written to us that they are opposed to bullfights yet felt
unable to sign because the declaration also called for the banning of
bullfights, something beyond the authority of the EU.
They also state that if the objective was only the end of the subsidies they
would have signed without any hesitation.
Meanwhile bull breeders that used to deny receiving these subsidies now have
the nerve to not only admit that they receive them, but that they are their
second source of income.
This admission gives you an idea of the amount of money they receive and the
damage they would have suffered if these subsidies had been banned.
We all make mistakes. That is how we can learn for the future. Ending
bullfights will not be done quickly or easily - it is a long hard fight that
must be fought one battle at a time.
We have always said that we must fight on two fronts. We must always
continue to contain bullfighting by preventing it from spreading to other
countries, and we must always try to hit them where it hurts them most -
their pockets. The day that bull breeders and bullfighters stop receiving
any kind of subsidies and have their corporate sponsorship curtailed, we
will be halfway to attaining our goal of ending this barbarity.
For the Animals
Maria Lopes
April 1, 2007
Perrier, the French bottled water company, sponsored bullfights in France in
the "Feria du Rhony" festival that took place in the city of Vergeze from 23
to 25th March this year.
To see the poster announcing this festival please visit our
The Perrier company belongs to Nestle.
Please send protest letters to Perrier and Nestle. Sample letters and translations can be found on our WEBSITE.
For the Animals
Maria Lopes
International Web Against
Sample Letter
Dear Madam/Sirs,
I was informed that the Perrier Company sponsored bullfights in
Vergeze/Feria du Rhony in March this year. The main events of this Feria
were a bullfight and other activities connected with bullfights.
Bullfights are spectacles that consist of torturing an animal to death with
a range of instruments. Using picas, banderillas and swords each bull is
tortured for 20 minutes before being killed. As to the horses even if they
are not killed during this horrible supposedly artistic show they also
suffer enormously.
According to several polls 80% of French people are against bullfights.
Your monetary support to this kind of spectacle is outrageous and I must
reconsider buying not only Perrier but also any products of the Nestlé
March 2007
International Movement Against Bullfights
Dear Friends,
The Written Declaration 0002/2007 (calling for a ban on bullfighting and
bull breeders subsidies) had been signed by 176 MEPs on the 15th of March,
according to European Union official numbers. Probably the real number is
higher because the EU does not update their website regularly. It hasn't
been updated since that date. The lapse date is 15th April, 2007 and we are far
away from the 393 signatures needed.
It's not brilliant but hope is the last thing to die so please continue to
send emails to convince the MEPs of the importance of signing this document
to end the subsidies to bull breeders. Please send emails to Italy, Sweden,
Danemark, Germany, Hungary, Romania, etc, because the majority of British
MEPs have already signed. All details can be found at our
For the Animals
Maria Lopes
I am disgusted, we should all be disgusted. Please, help stop bullfighting..jj
Campaign to Support the Written Declaration 0002/2007- EU-WIDE BAN ON BULLFIGHTING
This campaign was initiated on the 18th of January, 2007 and will finish on the 15th of April, 2007
(this is the day by which a majority of signatures must be obtained).
Dear Friends,
The official figures from the EU show that up until the 1st of February the
Written Declaration had reached 52 signatures.
It's not a bad result although it's not brilliant since we need 393
Several emails sent to MEPs are being deleted without being read - probably
due to the fact that we are sending them in block in the Outlook field
marked "To:".
At this stage we think that we have to change our fight strategy.
Considering that we propose the following:
1. Write to each MEP individually, although we know it's hard work
considering the number involved. Nonetheless you only have to write one
email and then copy/paste the sent one to a new email and send again. Please
don't forget to ask for a read receipt.
2. Change the subject of the email. Emails with the subject worded like
petition, written declaration, firm, etc might be filtered by their programs
in order to delete the emails without being read. A subject with an
appealling issue, even if totally different to the text, has more chance of
being read.
3. At this stage is also imperative to send a different letter. Many if not
the majority of MEPs do not give a damn about animals, therefore a letter
that demands an end to subsidies has a greater chance of getting a positive
reaction. The EU is fueled by europen citizens taxes so we can make the
argument that we do not want our taxes to be used to subsidise bull
breeders. The fact is that of 27 member states only three have bullfights.
Why should the other 24 members states subsidise this obscenity?
On our website you can find a new sample letter but we ask you to change it,
it's very important.
If you receive any reply from your MEPs please forward it to us.
For the Animals
Maria Lopes
International Movement Against Bullfights
Catagory: Stupid Human Tricks
American may be paralyzed after Spain's first running of the bulls
Paul Haven
Associated Press
Jul. 7, 2006 01:16 PM
PAMPLONA, Spain - An American man was partially paralyzed after a mock bullfight following the first running of the bulls Friday in Pamplona, and seven other people were hospitalized after being gored or trampled by the massive beasts.
Danger is what draws throngs of revelers to Spain's most famous festival each year, and danger is what they got in the narrow streets of this ancient Spanish city.
Ray Ducharme, a 31-year-old bond trader for Bank of America in Charlotte, N.C., was injured in what is known as a vaquilla, in which hundreds of people chase five cows around the bull ring, pulling their ears and tail. The cows are smaller than fighting bulls and have less imposing horns, but they still weigh hundreds of pounds and can be threatening. advertisement
Ducharme, a Bath, N.Y.-native, was thrown by a young cow in the event and underwent a 90-minute operation at the Hospital de Navarra to reattach two vertebrae.
"He is paralyzed in the legs, and will have partial use of his arms," said Pello Pellejero, a Pamplona government spokesman. "He is in very serious condition."
Ducharme's father, Ray, described him as an avid soccer player and said his family hoped his high level of physical fitness would help his recovery.
Seven injuries were reported during the run itself, at least two of them serious: New Zealander David MacDowell, 25, was gored in the thigh, and a Pamplona native, Ramon Garayoa, 46, fell and was trampled.
The bull run began at 8 a.m. when six bulls, each weighing about 1,500 pounds, stormed out of a corral where they spent the night, then zoomed up packed Cuesta Santo Domingo street at the start of the 900-yard run. They were accompanied by six castrated steers who know the route and are meant to keep the bulls in a single pack.
Thousands of runners, most wearing traditional white shirts and pants and sporting red handkerchiefs, dashed in front of them. Each pack ran with the bulls for a short distance before darting out of harm's way.
The rampage ends in minutes. The bulls rush into the Plaza de Toros, where some of Spain's better-known bullfighters awaited them in the afternoon. The festival lasts nine days.
Before Ducharme's injuries became known, runners said their brush with death was everything they had hoped for.
"It was total emotion. It was absolutely crazy. The bull was right next to me and I touched him," said Norman Rilling, 25, from Bakersfield, Calif.
Bulls are surprisingly fast animals, and many of the runners had been up all night drinking. Police are instructed not to let anybody who looks too inebriated take part in an effort to cut down on injuries.
That is easier said than done, and many participants had clearly had long nights.
Julio Bernavides Alvaran, 65, who came to the festival from Valencia in southeastern Spain, said he wandered the streets for hours looking for a place to sleep before deciding to use his credit card to get into an empty bank machine cubicle.
Still, he only had a couple of hours of rest before the run, which he described as the thrill of a lifetime.
"Life disappears, and you feel your blood moving in your veins," he said. "Either that, or it's all the whiskey."
Since record-keeping began in 1924, 13 people have been killed during the runs. The last death was in 1995.
Associated Press writer Ben Dobbin in Rochester, N.Y. contributed to this report.
The first book against bullfights written in the English language has just been published.
By Michael A. Ogorzaly, "When Bulls Cry: The Case Against Bullfighting" is a must read.
Go to Review
There are some books against bullfights by Spanish and French writers but this is the first one in English.
One of our members is part-way through this book and can thoroughly recommend it.
The book is available at at the cost of $14.95 + $5 shipping/handling for U.S.A.
For Europe you can buy it at , prices depend upon which country you are ordering it from.
For the Animals, Maria Lopes
International Movement Against Bullfights
The Return of Islero!
The Islero Archives are now online. As far as I can see only one picture didn't make the journey. Please remember the fan club has disbanded and there will be no more updates.
Thank you Paco for helping me and allowing me to save this wonderful site!
Here is a link to The Islero Archives
To translate The Archives, paste into a translator.
Campaign Against "Bull Forced into Sea"
The Valencian town of Dénia works itself up into a frenzy for the much-anticipated Toros/Bous a la Mar. This bull running extravaganza is staged annually to commemorate the Day of the Sacred Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ (el Día de la Santísima a Sangre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo).
There can't be many Christian communities who choose to venerate Jesus Christ by holding a bull run in the local harbour.
This outrage happens every year between the 3rd and 11th of July.
It's not the first time that bulls die either drowned or by other causes, also they are chased with sticks and kicked.
Please send protest emails to the authorities listed below.
Write a polite letter in your own language because it will have more impact.
Leave your comment on line for the Mayor at:
Send E Mails to:
Department of Environment
  Tourist Info/Tourism
Source: International Movement Against Bullfights
CORIA "El Toro de Coria" (Coria's bull)
"The bull walks and runs for hours in the streets while people throw darts at him. When he is too tired and weak from loss of blood to continue to escape, the villagers cut his testicles while he is still alive.
This babrbarity occurs between 23rd and 29 June, each year.
We don't include a sample letter since we do believe that different letters can make the difference."
Send protest emails to:
International Movement Against Bullfights
Public Opposition to Bullfighting is Growing in Spain
Just a year after WSPA celebrated as the city of Barcelona declared itself an anti-bullfight city, the Catalonian Parliment in Spain has begun to consider anti-bullfight legislation. On April 6th, representatives from both WSPA and the Asociacion
Defensa Derechos Animal (ADDA) presented the President of the Catalan Parliment with 453,000 signatures of people
opposed to bullfighting. Days later, MP Oriol Amoros of the Izquierda Repbulica party introduced legislation that would
update their current animal welfare law to exclude bullfighting.
Click HERE for the full story.
20th January 2005
The International Movement Against Bullfights
recommends all supporters in Portugal and Europe to vote NO to the referendum to be held about the European Constitution.
After reading the future E.C. we realize that certain animals are totally disrespected and can be a target to torture according to the laws of each Member State, whenever this is made in name of cultural tradition.
This is the content of the Article III - 121
"In formulating and implementing the Union's agriculture, fisheries, transport, internal market, research and technological development and space policies, the Union and the Member States shall,
since animals are sentient beings, pay full regard to the requirements of animal welfare,
while respecting the legislative or administrative provisions and customs of Member States relating in particular religious rites,
cultural tradition and regional heritage".
Although the E.C. considers animals sentient beings nonetheless excludes certain animals when it came to religious rites and cultural traditions.
Therefore countries with bullfights like, Portugal, Spain and France can continue to torture bulls in the name of cultural tradition.
Also ritual slaughters like Halal and Kosher are allowed in the name of religious rites.
Even circus with animals or other kind of animal torture can be allowed as long as a Member State claims that is a cultural tradition.
Every year thousands of bulls are tortured in Portugal, Spain and France in the name of cultural tradition.
Obviously this Constitution does not protect the animals and therefore we appeal to all animal defenders
to vote NO and speak for those who have no voice.
For the Animals say NO to the European Constitution.
Maria Lopes
Coordinator of the International Movement Against Bullfights
Dear Friends,
In spite of the thousand of protests the bullfights in China took place.
Meanwhile other cities are interested in performing bullfights.
Therefore we must continue to protest and remind the Chinese that their image is at stake since they will host the Olympics of 2008.
We created two postcards to send to the Chinese authorities. To obtain them please visit our Website.
Maria Lopes
The bull Rodanero was murdered in 14/9/04 in Tordesillas, Spain.
Thousands of bulls like Rodanero are brutally murdered in Spain either in bullfights or in popular fiestas.
You can make the difference, please send email to the authorities of Tordesillas and also to the Catholic Church.
Charitable Bullfight for Children with Downs Syndrome
On 22nd April 2004 a charitable bullfight took place in Granada, Spain
to collect funds for children afflicted with Downs Syndrome.
As if this was not regrettable and disgusting enough,
what is really appalling is that this Charity, the Down Syndrome Association,
takes these children to watch bullfights.
This is simply outrageous. We all know that sufferers from Downs Syndrome are just as sensitive as other children,
perhaps more than their years would indicate.
Is it fair to expose them to such bloody displays?
What effects will witnessing this torture have on their innocent minds?
Please send a protest email to the following entities.
No sample letter is provided. It is better that you write this in your own words, in your own language, and from the depths of your heart.
Down Syndrome Association
and to the City Hall of Granada:
cut and paste email addresses  
Source:International Web Against Bullfights
Barcelona Votes to Ban Bullfighting
Barcelona Moves Towards Ban on Bullfighting ~
Stop Bullfight For Spain's Victims
Spain's Asociacisn Nacional para el Bienestar y la Proteccisn de los Animales ~
CNN's Coverage of Bullfighting
Jim Walton, President
With Appreciation,
Joan Miquel Nadal i Malé.   Mayor of Tarragona.
Political Parties of Tarragona
Dear Sir/Madam,
Source: International Movement Against Bullfights
To: Alcalde Francisco Bella Galán y Presidente Manuel Cháves
Nosotros los abajo firmantes deseamos protestar contra la bárbara tortura a que se someten miles de caballos, mulos, burros y bueyes en El Rocío cuando hacen el camino a través del Parque Nacional de Doñana cada año. Las Hermandades van en
carruajes tirados por animales alquilados que a menudo son viejos, débiles y hasta en algunos casos comprobados, ciegos, Stop the Tortures at El Rocío ~
Associação Portuguesa de Portadores de Trissomia 21 Rua Dr. José Espirito Santo, Lote 49, Loja 1 1900-672 Lisboa Portugal TEL 00 351 21 837 16 99, E-mail:
Stop Bull Torture in Spanish Festival
City Hall of
Coria Tourism Diputacion Provincial de
Caceres hf598Source: Peta Action Alert ~
Sample letters (in English and Portuguese)
On July 5, 2003, PETA’s second annual “Human Race ”
Manifesto Against Bullfighting - Online Petition
This is a beautiful and informative magazine, written by Spaniards ("since it is they who are the first to know what is happening in their own country) so that English speaking animal welfare supporters
may acquire a thorough knowledge of the present situation
and future prospects regarding this cruel spectacle."
For information on subscribing to this magazine, or to 'The Bull Tribune', also in English ~
Dear Friends,
Once again thanks for your support.
The Dutch Anti Bullfight Committee
Bringing Down the Bulls
Our First and Last Bullfight
Encierro With Ostriches Cancelled
In a great victory for animals, the city of Barcelona has voted
to ban bullfighting
thanks to strong efforts of animal activists
Nearly 250,000 people signed a petition calling for
abolition in Catalonia,
of which Barcelona is the capital.
regional government must now approve the ban, which would be the
first of its kind in Spain,
for it to become law; but in a
secret ballot vote this week,
councilors voted 21-15 in favor,
which -- in addition to the 250,000 signatures
shows that
there is strong support for a ban on this cruel tradition.
thanks to everyone who responded to the alert on this issue in
our previous newsletter.
Source: In Defense of Animals
Opponents of Bullfights argue that the
slaughter of more than 100 bulls a year for public entertainment is anachronistic
and incompatible with Barcelona's ambition to
become one of the world's leading cities for arts and culture.
Animal welfare campaigners want bullfighting banned by the end of
this year
because they say that it will taint the 2004 Universal Forum of Culture, a UNESCO festival that Barcelona is hosting.
Source & Story
According to the "Diario de Sevilla" there will be a bullfight to raise funds for the families of the victims of the Madrid bombing.
It will be televised live by Spain's state television TVE1.
The "stars" of the bullfighting scene will be present. The prices for tickets has been reduced by 20%.
A 'donations account' has been created. The original article follows:
(ANPBA), Madrid, asks for international support in this matter.
Please send your own short letter or the sample to:
Sr. D. Fernando Giner Giner
Presidente de la Diputacisn de Valencia
Plaza de Manises, 4
46003 - Valencia
Estimado Seqor Presidente,
le ruego que no se realice la corrida de toros para recaudar fondos para las familias de las vmctimas del brutal atentado del 11-M. No hace falta derramar la sangre de seres inocentes, en este caso los toros. Hay muchas otras manera para la recaudacisn de fondos como conciertos o eventos deportivos. Por respeto a las vmctimas y sus familias por favor no lleve acabo la corrida del 2 de abril.
Dear Mr. President,
I would like to ask you to ban the bullfight to raise funds for the families of the brutal attack of March 11, 2004.
The spilling of the blood of innocent beings, in this case the bulls, is not necessary.
There are other possibilities to raise fund like concerts or sports events.
Please don't let the bullfight on April 2nd happen.
Yours faithfully,
Source: Fight Against Animal Cruelty in Europe
Please send your congratulations to
"SHARK is thrilled to report that two documentaries that we were involved with
will be winning Genesis Awards in March.
Formerly the Ark Trust, the Hollywood Office of the Humane Society of the United States'
Genesis Awards honor major news and entertainment media for producing outstanding works that raise public awareness of animal issues.
The Danish Bullfighting Documentary starring Biker Jens will win the Brigitte Bardot International Award for exposing the blatant torture and killing of animals in bullfights.
Biker interviewed SHARK Representative Pat Vinet, who provided him with graphic footage of a Mexican bullfight.
Our deepest appreciation goes out to Pat for her dedicated activism and to Mr. Mikael Neilsen for translating the film from Danish to English for us in a timely manner,
so we could submit it to the Genesis Awards for consideration."
Animal Planet will be airing the awards as a two hour special later this year.
Date: 11/4/2003
Dear Friends of SHARK,
Last night on CNN's Wolf Blitzer Reports, the anchor interrupted important news such as the war in Iraq and the wildfires in California to inform viewers of the upcoming bullfighting season in Lima, Peru.
Apparently, Spanish and French matadors are flocking to Peru to kick off the bullfighting season,
which CNN obviously deems important news.
Of course, the station did not feature any of the gore and animal torture that is bullfighting, but rather gave viewers the usual PG version.
I spoke with a representative from CNN, and he suggested that we send them a tape,
so SHARK is sending footage from numerous, bloody bullfights.
We will keep you informed of CNN's reply.
Please contact Mr. Blitzer and the executives at CNN and inform them that as respectable reporters, they should present the truth.
Wolf Blitzer, Anchor
Wolf Blitzer Reports
820 First St., NE
Washington, DC 20002-4243
202-898-7541 ph.
202-515-2266 fax   or
1CNN Center
Atlanta, GA 30303
404-878-1720 ph.
404-827-3000 fax
Walter Isaacson, Chairman of the Board
190 Marietta Street, NW
Atlanta, GA 30303-2762
404-827-0234 ph.
202-827-1099 fax
Jodie Wiederkehr
As you may remember in November 2001 a campaign was launched against the return of bullfights to Caracas.
The bullfighters wanted to perform the "Press Bullfight" in a pavillion called "El Poliedro de Caracas".
Thanks to all of you who sent protest emails at the time the bullfight did not take place.
Despite their defeat in 2002, the bullfighters are trying to perform bullfights in the same place on the 14th and 15th of February 2004.
Caracas has had no bullfights since 1997. We managed to prevent the one in 2002, let's prevent them from succeeding in 2004.
Please send protest emails to the President of the Republic, Mayor of Caracas and Department of Tourism with CC to the Venezuelan newspapers.
Sample letter in English and Spanish
President Hugo Chavez
Corporación de Turismo de Venezuela
Avenida Lecuna
Parque central -Torre Oeste, Piso 37
El Conde
Caracas 1010, Venezuela
Tel: (58-2) 5741968, 5742124
Fax: (58-2) 5742220
Telex: 27328 TURIS VC
Alcaldía Mayor
Fundación Poliedro de Caracas
Sector La Rinconada, Coche, Distrito Capital.
Caracas, Zona Postal 1090
58+ (212) 681.33.33 – 681.71.97
682.95.77 – 682.98.21
Dear Mr. President,
I was informed through news published in the tauromachic page “Burladerodos” that it is intended to reintroduce bullfights in Caracas.
The last bullfight that took place in this city was in 1997.
These bullfights are planned to take place in the Poliedro of Caracas on the 14th and 15th February of 2004.
I request, Mr. President, that you forbid these bullfights. Do not allow the capital of your country to be stainrd with the blood of innocent animals.
Please remember that tourists systematically avoid countries that don’t respect animals.
Do remember also the example of your great friend President Fidel Castro,
who in the year 2000 forbade a bullfight in Cuba, a country that had not held bullfights for more than 47 years.
Señor Presidente Hugo Chávez,
A través de una noticia publicada en la página de tauromaquia “Burladerodos”, tuve conocimiento de que se intenta que las corridas de toros vuelvan a Caracas, ciudad que no realiza este tipo de espectáculos sangrientos desde 1997. Este show de muerte y barbarie está planeado para los días 14 y 15 de Febrero del 2004 en el Poliedro de Caracas.
Solicito a Usted muy respetuosamente que prohíba esta corrida. No permita que la tortura y el sufrimiento bañen de sangre la capital de tan hermoso país. No olvide que los turistas evitan visitar países que no respetan a los animales.
Recuerde también el ejemplo de su gran amigo Fidel Castro, que en el año 2000 prohibió una corrida de toros en Cuba, país que no tiene este tipo de eventos desde hace 47 años.
Source: International Movement Against Bullfights
"From our Spanish colleague Adreu Nin we received a campaign entitled
"No More Bullfights in Tarragona" / En Tarragona Toros Nunca Más"
Please send the sample letter below (in English and Spanish) to the following authorities:
Joan Aregio Navarro.   President of the Diputación of Tarragona.
I request that you do everything in your power to see that the bullring of Tarragona, owned by the Diputación, is no longer used to torture and kill animals. No more bullfights!
Bullfights are disgusting due to the torture perpetrated on animals, also there is no tradition of this in Tarragona.
I therefore don't understand why the Diputación allows the use of this space for bullfights and the City Hall authorizes them.
Tarragona ia a popular tourist resort, but I doubt that these thousands of tourists will continue to visit Tarragona if bullfights continue to be staged there.
Con esta carta solicito que hagan lo posible para que la plaza de toros propiedad de la Diputació de Tarragona no se utilize nunca más para torturar y matar animales: Toros mai més!
Soy consciente de que las corridas de toros suponen una clara tortura a los animales y además no tienen ninguna tradición en Tarragona, por lo que no entiendo por que motivo la Diputació cede la plaza de su propiedad para este tipo de espectáculos y el Ajuntament los autoriza.
Reciban un respetuoso saludo,
"Text in English and Spanish/ texto en inglés y español"
We, the undersigned, wish to voice our strong protest against the horrendous torture that thousands of horses, mules, donkeys and oxen are put through at the El Rocío so called pilgrimage through the Coto Doñana National Park every year.
The Brotherhoods (semi-religious guilds) set out from villages in carriages pulled by old, weak and even blind hired animals carrying amazing weights,
more than 30 people plus food and drink with temperatures well over 100F under the Andalusian sun with no
water or rest at any time. The animals do hundreds of miles in 6 days without a stop and many die of heart attacks,
literally exploding because of the effort and dehydration. At Villamnarique they have to climb 8 steps pulling the overly heavy
Along the way they are constantly punched on the belly, beaten over the head and body with clubs and pierced by nail bearing whips and spurs by the drunken rabble.
As the animals fall dying they get beaten and kicked to make them get up
which of course they cannot do.
There are no animal protection laws in Andalusia and we demand that strong legal regulations be imposed immediately to stop this other example of traditional animal abuse in Spain which is called El Rocío.
Children should be taught compassion and respect for animals, maybe then one day Spain will be able to call itself a civilized nation.
llevando enormes pesos a menudo más de 30 personas y sus cosas, con temperaturas de más de 40 grados sin sombra, agua o descanso.
Pueden llegar a hacer más de 200 km en 6 días sin un respiro y docenas mueren literalmente reventados por el esfuerzo y la deshidratación. ¡En Villamnarique tienen que subir 8 ecalones tirando de las pesadísimas carretas!
Durante el camino son constantemente hostigados cruelmente,
se les pega en el vientre y la cabeza con puños y palos y se les lastima con
espuelas y látigos con clavos.
Cuando los animales caen muriéndose la gente borracha les pega y patea con la mayor brutalidad
para que se levanten,
algo que lógicamente no pueden ya hacer.
A diferencia de los países civilizados de Europa, España, y Andalucía en particular, no cuenta con leyes que protejan a los animales de la crueldad.
Nosotros exigimos por este medio que se impongan fuertes regulaciones que terminen con los increíbles
abusos que experimentan los inocentes animales en El Rocío y que se les enseñe a los niños compasión y respeto por todos los seres vivos para que un dia España pueda llamarse a sí misma una nación civilizada.
Please Sign This
FAX: 00 351 21 837 17 12
How can you justify the torture of animals to raise money for your charity?
Some crumbs whilst they will pocket the major slice of the cake.
All children love animals and for them the torture of animals is traumatic. Children with Downs Syndrome are especially sensitive.
Each year, during the Fiesta of San Juan in Coria,
tourists and locals armed with blowpipes shoot darts
at bulls until the animals resemble pin cushions.
After the
bulls are harassed and tortured for two hours, they are killed
and castrated in the street.
Shockingly, the European Union (EU) not only allows
this cruel spectacle to continue,
it even subsidizes the town of
Coria, because the festival promotes tourism to Spain.
it is tourists who keep this Spanish “tradition” alive, it is
imperative that authorities in Coria, Spain, and the EU hear
from you.
Please, write and ask your friends and coworkers
to send e-mail messages explaining that
tradition never
justifies cruelty
and demanding that Spain put an end to all
animal sacrifices or face worldwide censure.
Explain that you
will not travel to Coria until legislation is passed forbidding
such cruelty:
Extremadura, 39
Plaza de Santa Maria, s/n
Fax: +34
E-Mail: presidencia@dip
The Portuguese Association of Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) is going to stage a bullfight on July 5th, 2003, in Setubal.
It’s outrageous that Charitable Organisations should use the torture of animals to raise funds.
We have no doubts that the use of bullfights to raise money for good causes is merely an intentional and cynical exploitation of these causes to whitewash torture by the bullfighters.
There are many ethical and moral ways to collect funds for charities without appealing to the sadistic bloodlust involved in the torture of non-human animals.
Please send protest letters to APPT 21.
Associação Portuguesa de Portadores de Trissomia 21
Rua Dr. José Espirito Santo, Lote 49, Loja 1
1900-672 Lisboa
TEL 00 351 21 837 16 99,
FAX: 00 351 21 837 17 12
You can also leave your opinions in the
guest book on their
web site (click on Livro de Visitas)
Dear Sirs,
I was astonished to learn that you are going to promote a bullfight on the 5th July in Setubal.
Torturing animals to collect funds is unethical and morally unacceptable. The funds so raised will be money stained with the blood of innocent animals.
I consider this way of collecting funds for your laudable work totally unacceptable and outrageous since there are many other ways of doing this without practising and promoting cruelty.
I trust that you will cancel this ill-thought bullfight; otherwise your association will become notorious throughout the world thus damaging the cause for which you are campaigning.
I await your positive answer.
Com estupefacção tive conhecimento que V.Exas se preparam para promover uma tourada no próximo dia 5 de Julho , em Setúbal.
Recorrer á tortura de animais como forma de recolher fundos é ética e moralmente inaceitável.
O dinheiro obtido por esse meio mais não é que dinheiro manchado de sangue de animais inocentes.
Considero totalmente inadmissível e ultrajante a forma como V.Exas., pretendem recolher fundos para a vossa louvável obra social uma vez que existem variadissímas maneiras de custear a mesma sem o recurso a estas práticas de crueldade.
Espero pois que cancelem desde já a referida tourada, porque considero que a realização da mesma prejudicará o nome da vossa associação bem como a causa pela qual lutam.
Aguardando uma resposta positiva.
will take place in the streets of Pamplona as an alternative to and to protest the cruel traditions of the “Running of the Bulls” and bullfighting. The event is short, noncompetitive, and fun for all! By writing a letter against bullfighting and the Running of the Bulls to the mayor of Pamplona and the director of the organization that profits from the Running of the Bulls, you can be entered into the contest for a trip to Spain.
The Anti Bullfighting Committee Netherlands
We, the undersigned, say Bullfighting is cruel, horrible and unacceptable. Stop the torturing and killing of bulls for entertainment. We demand the European Union to forbid this useless and barbarous bloodshed in all member countries.
Sign The Petition
Manifesto Against Bullfighting
"Bullfighting is cruel, atrocious and unacceptable. Stop the torturing and killing of bulls for fun. I demand from the European Union that she bans the senseless and barbaric bloodshed in all member states."
The Comité Anti Stierenvechten Nederland (committee against bullfighting The Netherlands) fights with this manifesto the organized crime against animals. This is done in cooperation with other European animal welfare organizations.
By signing this manifesto you support the present campaign to abolish European Union subsidies for bulls, as these subsidies for Spain are also used for breeding fighting bulls. So taxpayers money is improperly used.
Source: Action Against Poisoning® Feb. 2003
Photo courtesy of ADDA
We have learned that the "Father Arrube Foundation" is organising a bullfight in Zaragoza, Spain on 22nd February, 2003, to raise funds for the needy children of San Salvador. This Foundation is Jesuit and is from San Salvador.
It’s a very serious matter when religious institutions promote and organise bullfights for charitable purposes but it’s also very serious to know that the President of San Salvador will be guest of honour at this bullfight. Our main concern is that sooner or later bullfighting might be introduced in this country. Don’t doubt that after the supreme authority of San Slavador's attendance at this event, the bullfighting lobby will attempt to infect this currently bullfight-free country with their "sport".
We know that the deadline to protest is very close, nonetheless it is important to inform San Salvador that we will not allow that the abusers make this country another arena for bullfights.
We are not trying primarily to prevent a bullfight that will be extremely difficult to halt, but to show that animal defenders will not allow San Salvador to be a new bullfighting country.
We suggest you send protest emails to the Fondation Father Arrube with CC to the President of San Salvador and newspapers.
For the Animals
Maria Lopes
Coordinator of the
International Movement Against Bullfights
is a coalition of World Society for the Protection of Animals,
WSPA, and
The Dutch Anti Bullfight Committee.
Dear Friends,
Thanks to all your protest emails we managed to ban bulls of fire in the "National Fair of Bulls" in Santarém. According to a
report in today's newspaper "Publico", the General Inspection of Cultural Activities banned the "show" based on proof of the
animals' mistreatement.
Therefore once more we have the proof that protesting works! We want to thank all who participated in this campaign and also
Animal Association that gave a special cooperation in this action.
Never forget that our letters can always make a difference for animals.
For the Animals
Maria Lopes
Coordinator of the International Movement Against Bullfights
"We learned through the Portuguese newspaper "Diário de Notícias" dated 6th January of 2003 that the city of Santarém is organising between 14th and 16th February 2003 the so called "National Fair of the Bull".
Amongst the activities included there are two atrocious and barbaric ones:
"Tentas" of young bulls and cows. The word has no translation to English, but this activity consists of using spears to pinch the bulls in order to see if they are "brave" for bullfights. This activity is practised by bull breeders on their farms in small bullrings. Now the city wants to transform this into a "show".
"Bulls of fire", an activity practised in several Spanish towns, that this city wants to import to Portugal. The description of this can be read on IWAB (Click Enter Here, then Click Spain) photos available on "Campaigns"
Meanwhile this city along with other cities in Spain, France and the Isle of Crete, created a project called Minotauro. The aim of this is to spread the "Running of Bulls" in Europe as a part of "Mediterranean culture"!!! To this end they applied for European funds from the program Interreg III for 1,300,000 Euros. This program was created to develop regional and cultural heritage. Surreptitiously they want to use the funds for running of bulls."
Please send protest letters to the following authorities:
Inspection of Cultural Activities
Palácio Foz - Praça dos Restauradores - 1250-187 LISBOA
Tel: + 351 21 321 2500 - Fax: + 351 21 321 2532
With C.C. to:
Commissioner Michel Barnier (responsible for the program Interreg)
Commissioner David Byrne
Commissioner Franz Fischler
MEP Mark Watts (MEP responsible for Regional Policy)
Av. 5 de Outubro, nº1
2000-102 Santarém
Tel: + 351 243 304 400
Fax: + 351 243 304 401/2,,,,,
Source: IWAB
Posted Jan. 22, 2003
Venezuela's Popular Sport 'Toros Coleados' is Here
and not everyone is thrilled.
By Andrea Elliot
A coleador grabs a bull by the tail during Sunday's championship attended by 1,541 people in Southwest Miami-Dade.
The door opens and a startled white bull charges forward.
Fate quickly follows: A Venezuelan cowboy, or llanero, reaches down from his horse and grabs the bull's tail, knocking it to the ground in a haze of dust.
''El toro se cayó! El toro se cayó!'' screams the emcee as the crowd roars.
``The bull is down! The bull is down!''
The Venezuelan sport Toros Coleados -- loosely translated as ''bull tailing'' -- has found its way to South Florida in tow with Venezuelan immigration, as evidenced by the 1,541 people who attended the Toros Coleados World Championship in rural Southwest Miami-Dade on Sunday.
''This is what we do every weekend. This is our baseball,'' said Carlos Barrios, a judge at the competition who lives in Weston. ``It's part of the Venezuelan cowboy.''
But what Barrios and others call the heart of rural Venezuelan life, some animal rights advocates say is an egregious display of cruelty -- as bad as or worse than American rodeos.
Read on
Dec. 13, 2002   By Dave Perkins
Right on the corner stands the Plaza de Toros. The bullring. It's opening night for another season of what is regarded, by some, as sport but which clearly is nothing of the kind. Three Canadians took in their first bullfight, their first and last.
These things definitely are not for the squeamish. Even staunch carnivores would find themselves looking away at times. They are advertised in the local journals as bloodless but they are anything but and somebody should call them on this intentional deception.
By Gabriela Lima
Source: Maria Lopes, I.W.A.B. via E-mail
We are all aware of the cruel and hateful way bulls have been treated throughout the centuries, primarily in Catholic countries. We all know that, unfortunately, some members of the Catholic Church, whose official position on bullfights is one of opposition (?), take great pleasure in these violent activities, publicly attending, supporting and promoting them. It seems that everything points to a resurgance of old popular activities revolving around bovine exploitation, torture and death, the bulls being the most common victims. In the 21st century, a little everywhere around the Catholic world, we are witnessing an ever-growing animal rights and welfare scorn. Just when the natural and logical tendency should be following the path towards the banning of such bloody activities, the opposite occurs: More and more, each day, these so-called “traditions” are being brought back and renovated, to the extend of alluring children to the grotesque and violent world of bullfights. Let's not forget that events involving animal torture and death are not off limits children and youngsters. In fact, children as young as 6 years of age are allowed to attend bullfights. Also, it is becoming more common everyday to see young men making their debut in the “art” of bullfighting, following their proud fathers footsteps.
Although we do not expect the Catholic Church to change Its ways where bullfights are concerned (supporting these barbaric rituals in the name of some Saint or Virgin Mary, and Its head, the Pope, giving private audiences to bull killers), we cannot, however, stop protesting and showing our indignation. This is the reason for our campaign; in this particular season of peace, love and compassion, who’s to say that there won’t be anything left for our non-human animal friends?
Please, join us and spread the word about this campaign.
Conferência Episcopal Portuguesa
Presidente: Cardeal José da Cruz Policarpo
Conferencia Episcopal de Colômbia
Presidente: Monseñor Alberto Giraldo Jamarilho
Conferencia Episcopal Ecuatoriana
Presidente: Monseñor Vicente Rodrigo Cisneros Durán
Conferencia Episcopal Española
Presidente: Monseñor Rouco Varela
Consejo Episcopado Latinoamericano
Presidente: Monseñor Jorge E. Jiménez Carvajal
Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano
Presidente:Monseñor Luis Morales Reyes
Conferencia Episcopal Peruana
Presidente:Monseñor Luis Bambarén Gastelumendi
Conferencia Episcopal Venezolana
Presidente: Monseñor Roberto Luckert León
Council of European Bishop's Conferences, CCEE
President: Mgr Amédeé Garb
Vice-President:Card. Cormac Murphy-O'Connor
Conference des Évêques de France
President: Monsegnieur Olivier Berranger
Because to be born is not a crime…
Because the right to exist has not to be paid…
Because torture and death are not art…
Because forced to fight for their life they end up taking the horses’…
Because they are not responsible for human misery and misfortune…
Because humans don’t hold the claim on pain and suffering…
Because their suffering does not soothe human suffering…
Because they are pure and innocent from the day they are born ‘till the day they die…
Because the savagery of a few shames and humiliates a whole People…
Because the barbarism and cowardice of a few fouls a Country’s good name…
Because bloody cultures and traditions cannot, should not, be Culture…
Because God is the infinite Goodness and Compassion, the supreme Justice…
Because He is Life!
Because they, too, are children of God!
Because Catholic Church’s consent is incomprehensible, inadmissible and condemnable…
Please, come forward and speak out against all shows, religious festivities, traditions and popular cultures based upon torture and death of bulls, those magnificent creatures, eternal victims of ever-growing human cruelty.
With all due respect
November 21, 2002
"In the latest news the Portuguese Constitutional Tribunal declared that the law approved by the Parliament of Azores allowing bullfights with picadors is inconstitutional.
Our union will always make the difference. To all of you that contributed to this victory, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!
The animals also thank you!"
For the Animals
Maria Lopes
International Web Against Bullfights
Spain 10/8/2002
Dear Friends,
"Local radio has just announced that the proposed use of ostriches to run with the bulls through the streets of Fuengirola, Spain was cancelled by the Mayoress Esperanza Oña as a result of complaints received by animal rights groups and individuals."
Once again thanks to the thousands of protests we were able to save some animals from torture. This proves that things can be avoided if we stick together and fight.
Congratulations to all of you and thanks once again.
For the Animals
Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures
is amusing in itself.
Bullfighting in Portugal
July 12, 2002 Deadline
President of Republic
Online Contact Form: Presidency of the Portuguese Republic
Do not support bullfighting!
Dear Ladies & Gentlemen:
The following letter accurately expresses my views regarding this issue. Please accept it as a petition against legalized bullfights in Portugal. The torture and death of an animal for entertainment is one of the most
disgusting and revolting ways of disrespecting life. Are you are willing
to approve a law that will submerge the country in a blood bath, even
against the wishes of the people who elected you? Animal advocates
throughout the world are watching and awaiting your decision. Please do
not support legalized bullfighting.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Source: The Animal Spirit
Stop Slaughter of Bull During Production of Carmen
On July 11, 2002, the famous opera Carmen, being performed scheduled for performances at The Monumental arena in Barcelona, Spain, will end with the slaughter of a bull. Internationally renowned artist Peter Max; Maneka Gandhi, India’s minister of state for social justice and empowerment; and Denyce Graves, the diva who has starred in Carmen at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City, have all written to the king of Spain asking him to intervene and help save the lives of bulls killed for productions of Carmen all over the country. Progressive Spaniards are embarrassed that in this day and age, animals are still treated as props and tortured and killed in the name of "art" and "entertainment."
We need your help to save the bulls slated to be killed in future Barcelona performances and in convincing the king of Spain to intervene. Please send polite letters to the following:
His Majesty King Juan Carlos I of Spain
Palacio de la Zarzuela
28071 Madrid
Barcelona Parliament
The Monumental
What Is Farra Do Boi?
WSPA Opposes Illegal Ox Festival
March 1st , 2002
For the law abiding citizens in Santa Catarina, Brazil, the annual Farra do Boi festival is a cultural tradition that brings shame rather than pleasure. "Farra do Boi," which loosely translates to "Oxen Fun Days," is an Easter time ritual that centers on an ox that is chased through the streets by intoxicated men.
The terrified animal is eventually cornered, or is sometimes driven into the sea in a desperate attempt to escape its tormentors who are armed with sticks and rocks. The festival culminates with the death of the animal, either through beating or drowning.
"Several polls show that the vast majority of Santa Catarina residents are against these rituals, but there are a handful of people that insist on keeping this blatant cruelty alive," reports Elizabeth MacGregor, WSPA's Brazilian representative.
WSPA has been working to end this spectacle for years, and our efforts are still needed today despite a 1997 law that banned the Farra do Boi. The Governor of Santa Catarina, Esperidiao Amin, has made public statements condemning Farra do Boi, but local politicians and police still either actively support the festivals, or look the other way when they occur.
"I think the farristas are counting on WSPA and other animal rights groups to finally drop the issue," said MacGregor. "However, we've worked on this issue for a long time and made good progress. WSPA will continue to fight to protect these animals."
Mr. Esperidiao Amin
Mr. Antenor Ribeirio
Campaign against the "Toros de fuego" (fire bulls) in
Catalonia, Spain:
In Catalonia (Spain) animals are still being abused in bullfighting
events, such as, the "toros de fuego", when balls of fire are attached
to the bulls’ horns, then they are released on the streets, and the
"toros ensogados", when ropes are tied around the bulls’ horns and they
are dragged through the streets.In June 2001 the Government of Catalonia
promised in writing to ANPBA to amend the law 3/1998, which deals with
animal protection. This law was to explicitly prohibit the "toros de
fuego" and "toros ensogados". Until now, this proposal to change the law
has not been presented in Parliament.
CONTACT: (all email addresses verified as of 2/14/02)
Addresses are for
Government authorities, the Parliament and important political groups.
SAMPLE LETTER: (Please send letter in Spanish. English translation
follows for your review.)
Al Govern de la Generalitat y al Parlament de Catalunya
Excmos. Sres.,
Resulta intolerable que en Catalunya sigan existiendo espectáculos
violentos y bárbaros como son los "toros de fuego" y "toros ensogados",
en los que los animales son cruelmente maltratados, arrastrados por las
calles con cuerdas atadas a los cuernos y también sometidos a fuego en
la zona de la cabeza.
Solicito al Gobierno de la Generalitat que, a la mayor brevedad,
presente en el Parlament para su aprobación la modificación de la Ley
3/1998 de Protección Animal, para la prohibición de los "toros de fuego"
y "ensogados", tal como le fue prometido por escrito a la Asociación
Nacional para la Protección y el Bienestar de los Animales (ANPBA), el
11 de junio de 2001.
Asimismo, solicito al Parlament de Catalunya que proceda a la aprobación
de la modificación de la Ley, con prohibición de estos espectáculos,
como sucede en otras Comunidades Autónomas españolas, que han tipificado
en sus leyes estos espectáculos como "maltrato a los animales".
(end of sample)
English Translation:
To the Government and the Parliament of Catalonia
Dear Sirs,
It is inconceivable, that in Catalonia brutal and barbaric spectacles
exist such as the "Toros de fuego", when balls of fire are attached to
the bulls’ horns, then they are released on the streets, and the "toros
ensogados", when ropes are tied around their bulls’ horns and they are
dragged through the streets.
I request the Government to immediately present the amendment of the
animal protection law 3/1998, which prohibits the "Toros de fuego" and
the "Toros ensogados", to the Parliament for approval. This was promised
to ANPBA in a letter of June 2001.
At the same time I request the Parliament of Catalonia to pass the
amendment of the law, so that these spectacles will be forbidden, as has
already been done in other autonomous communities, which in their laws
declared these events as "animal abuse".
UPDATE: Bullfighting falls under attack in Mexico City
SOURCE: Los Angeles Times, December 30, 2001
By Chris Kraul
MEXICO CITY -- In a move that could accelerate the decline of a
5-century-old tradition in Mexico, the capital city's legislature has
voted to ban all those younger than 18 from attending bullfights in the
city. The ban could go into effect at Plaza Mexico, the world's largest
bullring, as early as next month unless Mexico City Mayor Andres Manuel
Lopez Obrador forces the assembly to reconsider. The ban was one of 70
articles in a law on animal protection that was passed recently 55-0.
The law was approved at a time when attendance and the number of
bullfights are in decline in Mexico. Bullfighting faces competition from
TV and other entertainment. Controversies at Plaza Mexico, including
charges that it uses underage bulls, have soured the public on
The bill was pushed through the left-leaning assembly by the small but
forceful Green Ecologist Party, which has long campaigned against
bullfights and cockfights.
"To kill for enjoyment is an act without justification," said Arnold
Ricalde, a Green Ecologist Party assemblyman, adding that the party
would push for similar legislation in all 31 Mexican states.
Bullfight attendance in general has been on the decline in Mexico in
recent years. The number of bullfights held in Mexico in 2000 was 672,
down 7 percent from 1999, according to the National Association of
Fighting Bull Breeders.
Oppose the Reintroduction of Bullfights in Caracas-Venezuela
President Hugo Chávez
City Hall of Mayor Distrito Metropolitano de Caracas:
Diario 2001:
El Nacional:
El Universal:
El Mundo:
President Hugo Chávez:
Please forbid bullfight in Caracas
I understand that a bullfight is planned to take place in the Poliedro
of Caracas on the 20th January of 2002. The last bullfight that took
place in this city was in 1997.
I strongly urge you to forbid this bullfight. More and more tourists are
choosing to avoid countries that allow cruelty to animals.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
cc: Diario 2001
El Nacional
El Universal
El Mundo
City Hall of Mayor Distrito Metropolitano de Caracas
Tourism Board
Ask the Pope to Condemn Cruelty During Spanish Festivals
Spain's festivals held in honor of Catholic saints are notorious for their cruelty. Goats are thrown from church towers, chickens and geese are beheaded, and bulls are tormented in a variety of ways.
Some bulls are attacked by people throwing spears or blowing darts trying to hit a "bull's eye", at other times. revelers wrap the bull's horns in flammable material, set the horns on fire and attach explosive fireworks to them. The terrified animals are then chased through the streets, taunted, and beaten bloody with sticks. Most bulls are stabbed to death in the streets among cheering, drunken crowds.
Because Spain is a Catholic country and these festivals are in honor of Catholic saints, His Holiness Pope John Paul II has been asked to officially denounce the torturing of animals during the events. Unfortunately, he has so far failed to do so.
Please write to His Holiness Pope John Paul II and ask him to condemn cruelty to animals during religious festivals. Address your letter to:
His Holiness Pope John Paul II
Apostolic Palace
Vatican City
The Holy See
(Postage from the United States costs $.80)
Please also write to the Pope's diplomatic representation in the U.S.:
His Excellency The Most Reverend Archbishop Gabriele Montalvo
Apostolic Nuncio of the Holy See
3339 Massachusetts Ave. N.W. Washington, DC 20008
ESPN Promotes Cruelty to Animals as Sport
ESPN’s coverage of the running of the bulls in Pamploma, Spain, exemplifies the stupidity and cruelty of this barbaric event. Dressed in white shirts and wearing red bandanas (the obligatory costume for tourist animal abusers) ESPN broadcasters futilely attempted to romanticize the abuse and eventual slaughter of bulls forced to run in the city’s streets.
However, images of thousands of people screaming at and tormenting confused and frightened bulls, who were videotaped falling on the wet pavement, onto each other, and through fencing, was anything but romantic—it was a sickening display of cruelty and indifference to the slow and torturous deaths awaiting these animals in the ring. Coverage also included several interviews with Americans who proudly traveled to Spain to abuse animals and who, because of their “courage” and bravery,” received hugs, congratulations, and words of praise from ESPN’s “man on the scene.”
Amazingly, the farce didn’t end there. ESPN displayed photographs of the individual bulls (described by one announcer as “grotesque”) with their personal statistics (e.g., name, age, weight, etc.) as though they were players from an opposing team, not the unwilling and unwitting victims of a ritualized slaughter in which their deaths had been preordained.
What ESPN did not show, of course, is how these animals are later tortured and killed with knives and swords in the ring. Please remind ESPN that bullfighting celebrates cruelty to animals not sporting behavior and that if it doesn’t have the guts to show the public what happens to the bulls in the ring, then it shouldn’t show the event at all.
Write to:
George W. Bodenheimer, President
935 Middle St. Bristol, CT 06010
Tel.: 860-766-2000
Fax: 860-766-2213
Bulls Eye!
Columbian matador Manalo Beltran takes the full force of revenge
during a bullfight in Bogota in September 1997. The goring resulted in what was described as 'horrendous injuries'.
Not as horrendous as the injuries suffered by thousands of bulls every year.
To anyone who thinks this picture is obscene...
What happens to the bulls is obscene.
News from S.H.A.R.K.
Did you know that DAIMLER-CHRYSLER and its dealers sponsor rodeos and
This is the dark side of a company that only wants you to think about its Mercedes, Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep automobiles. Underneath the shiny cars is a corporate vampire that lives on the blood and suffering of innocent animals. DaimlerChrysler's support of rodeo animal abuse could easily top 10 million dollars every year.
The above sites contain documented horror of animal abuse, enter at your own risk.
Fighting For The Bulls
"While I normally don't take pleasure in other people's misfortune, I have to admit that injury to people in the act of tormenting an animal gives me great joy." - Islero |
The bulls aren't the only victims of the intense cruelty of the arena. According to Lyn Sherwood, publisher of an English-language bullfight magazine, horses used in bullfights are "shot behind the ear with dope. The horses are
drugged and blindfolded and they're knocked down a lot." These horses, who are often gored, usually have wet
newspaper stuffed in their ears to impair their hearing, and their vocal cords are usually cut so their cries do not distract
the crowd. Fight promoters claim the horses are "saved" from glue factories; this means these animals are often old, tired
plow horses who end up being knocked down by bulls weighing up to a half a ton.
bullfighting has an added feature: novillada, or baby bullfights. There is no ritual in this slaughter of calves. Baby bulls,
some no more than a few weeks old, are brought into a small arena where they are stabbed to death by spectators, many
of whom are children. These bloodbaths end with spectators hacking off the ears and tail of the often fully conscious calf
lying in his own blood. The so-called "bloodless bullfights" that are legal in many U.S. states are only slightly less
barbaric than their bloody counterparts. Although the bulls in these "fights" are not killed in the ring, they are often
slaughtered immediately afterward. During the fights they are tormented, teased, and terrified.
They don't ravage the Earth. They don't hate or plot the annihilation of another species. They don't take more than they need of resources. They don't jeopardize their own survival." Jim Willis, On Learning From Animals |
"The horrible wounding and intensive blood loss,
the cries of pain and fear,
the looks of shock and horror as innocent and relatively defenseless
animals have every drop of suffering
wrung out of them before they are killed. They do not die quickly or easily."
After all, what kind of show would that be? People would demand their money back!
Brought to you by:
Showing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK)
International Web Against Bullfighting
"Perhaps surprisingly, in the 21st Century bullfights still exist in several
countries of the world, much to our shame in what we commonly regard as an
"enlightened" era.
These are barbaric shows, and relics of the Dark Ages.
The truth is, if a creature suffers then there can be no moral justification for
refusing to take that suffering into consideration. All animals are sentient
beings that experience joy, happiness, fear and pain, in the same way that human
beings do. We can have no right whatsoever to make them suffer for our
"enjoyment". If any torture inflicted to an animal deserves condemnation,
bullfights are the worst kind of torture since they are performed solely in the
name of entertainment."
Jeremy Bentham once said: "It doesn't matter if they can reason; it doesn't
matter if they can speak; what does matter is if they can SUFFER."
Last Chance for Animals
"Bullfighting is a traditional Latin American spectacle in which bulls bred to fight are tortured by armed men on horseback, then killed by a matador. Starved, beaten, isolated, and drugged before the “fight,” the bull is so debilitated that he cannot defend himself. After being stabbed, speared, and harpooned, the suffering animal is killed."
World Society for the Protection of Animals
(pronounced wis-pa)
Urging governments to pass laws making all cruel sports illegal.
Sign Petitions/Write Letters
Associação Protetora de Animais São Francisco de Assis
affiliated to the World Society For the Protection of Animals
São Paulo - Brazil
PETA Fact Sheet
Here you will find the details of bull "fighting", how the bulls are bred and how they are tormented months, weeks, days, hours and minutes before they are actually engaged in the "fight"
Anti Bullfighting Campaign International
ABC (Anti Bullfighting Campaign) International was founded in 1993 by ADDA (Spain) and Foundation Committee Anti Stierenvechten (CAS, The Netherlands)
!No Mas ViOLÉncia!
Fight Against Animal Cruelty in Europe
Blood Fiesta's
Warning, terrible pictures, horrible people.
Write a letter of complaint to the
in your country.
©2001 FAACE
Embassy of Spain
24, Belgrave Square
Spanish Consulate
Brook House
70, Spring Gardens
Spanish Consulate
63, Castle Street
Embassy of Spain
17A, Merlyn Park
Spanish Embassy
2375 Pennsylvania Avenue,NW
More Animal Welfare Links
If you care about animals, please do not support ANY company that contributes to animal torture, including the corrupt bullfighting industry, where 35,000 bulls a year are systematically tortured and killed.
The consul of Seville in Spain and the mayor of La Chorrera in Panama have confirmed that bullfighting will not take place in the country of Panama.
Please write letters to the Panamanian authorities thanking them for making the compassionate choice to prohibit bullfighting in Panama.
Excmo. Sr.
D. Mario Romero
Jefe del Gabinete del Presidente de Panama
Fax: 011-507-212-04-16
Excmo. Sr. Embajador
D. Jaime Ingram
Embajada de Panama en España
C/. Claudio Coello, 86bajo dcha.
tel.: 011-34-91-576-50-01
Fax: 011-34-91-576-71-61
Excma. Sra. Consul
Consulado de Panama en España
C/. Claudio Coello, 86-bajo dcha.
Tel.: 011-34-91-576-50-01
Fax: 011-34-91-576-71-61
Murciélago--(1879)--Arena of Cordoba--Bull raised by Joaquin del Val di Navarra, showed exceptional courage and spirit in the arena and had his life spared by the famous matador Rafael Molina "Lagartijo". Given to breeder Don Antonio Miura, went on to father a formidable line of fighting bulls that extends to the present day.
Manzanito--(1887)--Sevilla, Spain--Murube bull given an indulto after goring all the toreros in the plaza
Bonito--(1908)--Mexico City--(negro, zaino, de preciosa estampa) bull raised by Arribas Hermanos
Platero--(1935)--Mexico City (Vista Alegre)--(cárdeno oscuro) bull raised by don Matías Rodríguez
Bonito--(1936)--Mexico--bull raised by Heriberto Rodríguez, indultado during a corrida filmed for the taurine scenes in the movie, "Novillero"
Arriero--(1941)--Mexico City--bull raised by Piedras Negras
Elefante--(1886)--an exceptionally brave bull from an unknown ganaderia, fought on three separate afternoons, receiving indultos twice -- unique in taurine history..
(? I thought a pardon was pardon)
Gonzalo--(1988)--Garlin, France--novillo (negro) raised by Roland Durand
Peleón--(1988)--Ronda, Spain--(negro) raised by Hros. Salvador Guardiola Dominguez, 560 kilos
Ralea--(1988)--Chiclana, Spain--(negro mulato) raised by Jandilla, 475 kilos
Sardinero--(1988)--Figueras, Spain--novillo (negro) raised by Hnos. Garcia Jiménez, 425 kilos
Zurito--(1988)--Carmona, Spain--novillo (entrepelado bragado y meano) raised by Felipe Bartolomé
Barbudo--(1801)--bull, raised by Peñaranda de Bracamonte of José Rodríguez, that killed José Delgado "Pepe-Hillo" in Madrid, Spain
Bravío--(1842)--bull, raised by the Duke of Veragua, that killed Roque Miranda "Rigores" in Madrid, Spain
Jocinero--(1862)--Miura bull that killed José Rodríguez "Pepete" in Madrid, Spain
Marinero--(1888)--bull, raised by San diego de los Padres, that killed the banderillero, Juan Sal "Saleri" in Puebla, Mexico
Perdigón--(1894)--Miura bull that killed Manuel García (Espartero) in Madrid, Spain. Perdigón's head is on display in the plaza Museum in Madrid.
Cachurro--(1896)--bull, raised by Ripamilán, that killed Juan Gómez de Lesaca in Guadalajara, Spain
Lengueto--(1897)--bull, raised by José María de la Cámara, that killed Julio Aparici "Fabrilo" in Valencia, Spain
Zaragatero--(1904)--bull, raised by Arroyo Hondo, that killed the banderillero, Rafael Melo "Melito" in Guadalajara, México
Desertor--(1905)--Mirua bull that killed Domingo del Campo "Dominguín" in Barcelona, Spain
Matajacas--(1907)--bull, raised by Tepyahualco, that killed Antonion Montes in Mexico City
Escribano--(1913)--bull, raised by José Bueno, that killed Andrés del Campo in Madrid
Almejito--(1914)--black novillo, raised by López Plata, that killed novillero, Jaime Ballesteros in Cádiz, Spain
Cocinero--(1917) bull, raised by Benjumena, that killed Florentino Ballesteros in Madrid, Spain
Bailador--(1920)--the very small bull (290 kilos), raised by the "Widow Ortega," that killed José Gómez (Joselito) in Talavera de la Reina, Spain
Bombito--(1922)--bull, raised by Guadalest, that killed Manuel Varé "Varelito" in Sevilla, Spain
Pocapena--(1922)--bull, raised by Veragua, that killed Manuel Granero in Madrid, Spain
Extremeño--(1926)--bull, raised by the Marqués de Guadalest, that killed Manuel Báez "Litri" in Málaga, Spain
Gallego--(1926)--bull, raised by Florentino Sotomayor, that killed Mariano Montes in Vista Alegre (Madrid), Spain
Michin--(1929)--bull, raised by San Diego de los Padres, that gored Carmelo Pérez, in Mexico City (Plaza el Toreo de la Condesa). Although seriously gored, Carmelo was not killed in the plaza. He went to Spain and fought again, but never fully recovered from his wounds. He died in Spain from complications of the cornada and his body was returned to Mexico.
Fandanguero--(1931)--bull, raised by Graciliano Pérez Taberno, that killed Francisco Vega de los Reyes "Gitanillo de Triana" in Madrid, Spain
Granadino--(1934)--bull, raised by Demitrio y Ricardo Ayala, that killed Ignacio Sánchez Mejías in Manzanares, Spain
Marchoso--(1935)--novillo, raised by Zacatepec, that killed the novillero, Miguel Gutiérrez "Marchoso" in Mexico
Cobijero--(1940)--bull, raised by Piedras Negras, that killed Alberto Balderas (as he was luring it to the center of the plaza so that José González "Carnicerito de México" could safely 'dedicate' it prior to the kill) in Mexico City
Farolero--(1941)--bull, raised by Concha y Sierra, that killed Pascual Márquez in Madrid, Spain
Reventon--(1943)--novillo, raised by don Heriberto Rodríguez, that killed the novillero, Félix Guzman in Mexico
Islero--(1947)--miura bull, 495 kilos, that killed one of the most famous matadors of all time, Manuel Rodríguez "Manolete" in Linares, Spain
Source: Mundo Taurino
Cubatistos--(1992)--Manolo Calvo "Monteliú" died May 1st 1992, at the arena in Seville, on the horns of the bull Cubatistos.
Manolete's sword-handler with his hand against the wound trying to stop the blood.
On the afternoon of Aug. 28, 1947 Manolete was booed by the fans as he strode out for the fifth bullfight against a bull named "Islero" because of his poor showing during the first fight. Manolete came in slowly to kill the bull, with his cape at his side, and was suddenly gored in the groin by Islero's right horn. The matador began to bleed. The apprentices lifted Manolete to carry him to the medical station, but they went in the wrong direction, taking him instead to the courtyard where the horses were kept. The bullfighter arrived at the infirmary seven minutes after being gored by the bull. The physician at the arena, later wrote that Manolete had been "gored by the horn of a bull in the vestibular ganglion, creating a 20-cm gash from top to bottom and from the inside to the outside...rupturing the saphenous artery and piercing the muscle nerve tissue of the femoral artery."
As he smoked a cigarette, the bullfighter commented that he could not feel his leg.
At 11:00 p.m. that evening, he was transferred to the hospital in Linares.
At 5:07 a.m. on the morning of the 29th of August, Manolete uttered his last words,
"My mother will not be happy about this."
The only pictures of Islero I have found so far, are on the "Isleros fan club" site.
I have borrowed them until I can find a picture him without the matador and without the spears and blood.
Islero, always a hero.
Oscar Higuera in 1998, I don't know the name of this bull, how badly Higuera was injured or if he died.
I can only hope he lived long and suffered 1000 times more than the bull. Another Powerless Person..I hope he died and is rotting in hell.
Oscar Higuera 1998
In the immortal words of Islero..."While I normally don't take pleasure in other people's misfortune, I have to admit that injury to people in the act of tormenting an animal gives me great joy."
Tsk Tsk...How He Must Have Suffered!
The banderillero Antonio Perez "El Pere"
has succumbed to multiple organ failure,
following an automobile accident in which he
remained in the vehicle for three days.
He was admitted to the Intensive Care
Unit at the Hospital Reina Sofía de Córdoba
on Monday the 19th of April, 2004.
The banderillero was under the orders
of "El Cordobes" for the last fourteen
I wish Islero were here to
enjoy this with me.
Don't know this bullfighters name, don't care, hope he is dead.
Suffering of Bulls and Horses
Bullfighting is one of the cruelest forms of animal abuse.
Every year, more than 250,000 bulls and cows are tortured and killed worldwide during bullfights and similar events.
Also during fiestas ('village festivals'), tens of thousands of bulls and other animals are severely maltreated.
The Extreme Cruelty of BULLFIGHTING -- Shame of Humanity
"An elaborate anti-bullfighting website -- one of many good places to visit to see the latest in anti-taurine campaigns."
"Bullfighting is called a sport, or sometimes even an art. It is neither. It is animal cruelty disguised as entertainment. Ever wonder why the bull never wins? Spectators are led to believe the matadors are actually risking their lives. In reality, the bull has already been crippled and subdued in several ways and doesn't stand a chance against its opponents."
Bullfighting-Culture or Cruelty?
In Latin America and Europe combined, approximately 250,000 bulls die each year. Do these bulls fall prey to a deadly virus, perhaps? Far from it. The bulls are tortured and killed for the sake of entertainment. Have we evolved at all since the Roman times?
Search in 202 dictionaries on the Internet.
Translate from 67 source languages into 69 target languages.
Over 300 language combinations.
Don Quijote
A Glossary of Bullfighting Terms
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