FAE/Friends of the Asian Elephant
The World's FIRST Elephant Hospital
Soraida Salwala, Founder
New Website
Follow Soraida Salwala and her work to save Thai elephants on
The World's First Elephant Hospital
Lampang, Thailand
2001 through 2007
The World's First Elephant Hospital
is NOT part of the Thai Elephant Conservation Center/TECC
Friends of the Asian Elephant (FAE)
Please note that the official website of FAE/
Friends of the Asian Elephant is:
The Official Website of FAE/ Friends of the Asian Elephant The World's First Elephant Hospital is: www.elephant-soraida.com |
2001 to 2007 2008-2009 2006-2010 2010 FAE Mobile Vet Motala Landmine Victim 1999 to 2010 Baby Mosha's Photo Album |
News From FAE's Elephant Hospital ~
Dear Miss Jody:
Friends of the Asian Elephant
Elephants hit by cars. Tetanus infected, wounded from gunshots by poachers or suffering from other diseases appear to be a normal subject of which a few takes notice. But the question is, “Are we prepared to encounter such disastrous event, an episode of our becoming-extinct terrestrial animals.”
Obituary Announcement: Kamsri ~
Dear Miss Jody:
Other damages include the roofs of all the accommodation quarters, nursery, infirmary units, office building, two electric posts were broken in halves. Exhibition boards were all gone, torn and ruined by the rain, signs damaged. Trees smashed over the lab and the ceiling fell down. At the time of the storm (around 2.30 p.m.) every elephant and the staff were inside and not out in the open.
Lampang, Thailand
Date: Thu 4 Oct 2007
"We had a very long day on Monday 1st of October 2007, nine hours and ten minutes operating on a female elephant, Sinuan. She is 25 years old and
She had suffered with this huge tumour on the vulva for many years Finaly she arrived at FAE on the 16th of August . Since the lab result did not show whether it was benign or malignant, our chief vet, Dr. Preecha Phuangkam decided to remove it to relief Sinuan from her suffering. Four vets and one vet nurse with one vet student and all FAE' s staff were among the team of nineteen assisting in this big task.
Over nine hours of operation was tough for Sinuan, the elephant. The tumour weighed 8 kilogrammes. The surgery line is 72 cm. with 135 stiches.
Today she exercises and walks quite fast."
Soraida Salwala
Founder & Secretary General
Friends of the Asian Elephant (FAE)
More information please contact: 081-936-3500
Kamprai has given birth to a male baby just five minutes past midnight last night. Both mother and the baby are fine. Kamprai had shown sign since the evening of Sat 22nd September. We are so glad that she accepts her baby well within eight hours. I have named the baby "Zeno" since his elder brothers' names are Songkran and Auro. I thought it would be nice to have this name for him.
The photos will be on the website soon.
Friends of the Asian Elephant/FAE
The World's First Elephant Hospital
Motala 8/25/07
Dear Miss Jody:
On Tuesday 28th August, 2007 will mark the 8th anniversary of the success of Motala's operation.
Associate Prof. Therdchai Jivacate from the Prostheses Foundation will be present to visit Motala and have a meeting with me and Dr. Preecha. The conclusion will be released to the reporters after our meeting around 2.30 p.m.
We have some photos and info (in Thai) on www.elephant-soraida.com
It would be very kind of you to please let FAE's supporters know. Thank you so much.
Friends of the Asian Elephant
687/2 Ram-Indra Road Soi 32,
Tharaeng, Bangkhen,
Bangkok 10230
Tel. 0-2509-1200
Fax. 0-2509-3533
e-mail fae@elephant-soraida.com
web site www.elephant-soraida.com
motala@jodysjungle.com (page is slow to load)
F.A.E. updates@jodysjungle.com
Clearly, Thailand’s wild and domesticated elephants are declining at steady rate. Although some of the causes are apparent: destruction of forests, lack of traditional employment, lack of income for owners, poaching of elephants for ivories, catching the baby elephants for sale (by killing their mothers) and also lack of veterinary care.
Despite the official closing of monopolized logging, the illegal loggers are still at their trade. The elephants that are used in this illegal logging trade are overworked. Some suffer from broken legs, some with broken backbones and some are addicted to amphetamines for an over laboring demand.
FAE’s Elephant Hospital has been constructed in the compound of Mae Yao National Reserve, Hangchatr District, Lampang Province Thailand; based on the fact that Lampang is the centre of Northern Thailand. Considerable man-power in the area could enable FAE veterinarians to promptly attend to the sick elephants.
Monday 8th May, 2006
On Saturday the 6th of May, 2006 around eleven
a.m. we were informed that a
full term pregnant elephant
would be coming to our
Kamsri, 35 years old, arrived
at 12.20 p.m. Upon arrival we
found mucopurulent
discharge and blood from her
vagina. She was restless and
suffered from pain and
dehydration. Kamsri opened
her mouth and stretched her
foreleg and hind legs every
two minute showing signs of
great pain.
Supportive treatment of IV ,
gluclose, antibiotics and
vitamin were given. Kamsri
could not eat nor drink.
Result of ultrasound showed
no sign of baby movement.
More blood came out. Kamsri
was under close observation
the whole night.
Subjective data from the
owner of Kamsri:
Kamsri was attacked by
another elephant at the
elephant camp in Chiangmai
since early April, 2006
resulted in Kamsri's fall. She
was still at work until the 2nd
of May when she showed sign
of pain, depress and
At 1.14 p.m. on Sunday 7th
May, Kamsri choked,
shivered and collapsed at
1.23 and died at 1.25
Result from post mortem
performed by Dr. Preecha
Mucopurulent discharge in
vagina, bleeding in abdomen
cavity and hemorrhage
spots in omentum and
abdomen cavity, rupture of
uterus and trauma in
diaphram and spleen.
The male baby was about
eighteen months old with the
height of 80 cm. and weighed
120 kg.
We were indeed saddened by
her death because we have
been advising all the camps
and elephant owners to rest
the pregnant elephants and
bring them to our elephant
hospital for delivery at the
earliest time of pregnancy.
Overworking and still at work
for the pregnant elephants
could result in accidents and
Our Elephant Hospital was hit by a hail storm on the 14th April, 2006.
Fortunate enough that no elephant nor staff was hurt but there are damages. Trees fell over the roofs and debris were every where. Motala's Infirmary was hit by the hails and the roof was broken but she is all right. No harm to her except over 30 pieces of the roof tiles were broken.
I hope we would be able to repair everything and fix them in good order soon.
Our website is still being corrected. New photos will be posted.
It is always difficult to get things right.
MOTALA is doing just fine and Motoo and Mojay (the two sisters) are recovering. They have started to have an afternoon walk to exercise since the 19th April. Mojay is sometime annoyed by her younger sister and hits her with the trunk. We try to persuade Motoo to play to lessen her stress since her sister is not paying much attention to her now.
Champen will be going home next month. She has been with us for three years now and she is ready. We want to wait until the forests are green so she would not suffer from the heat en route.
Our new website is elephant.or.th
I hope we could update it regularly.
Have a nice day!
Soraida Salwala, Founder
Friends of the Asian Elephant
Subj: A Quiet Time at FAE's Elephant Hospital
Date: 12/10/2005
It is the first time in years that our hospital is so quiet. There are only eleven
elephants in house. Quite a change from the full house most of the days in years.
Champa left just before noon, on her way back to an elephant camp in
Chiangmai. She did not want to get on the truck. I felt she wanted to stay and not
back to work. How I wish I could keep them all!
Our vets, Dr. Goy and Dr. Kaew have gone out since early morning on their
mission for the Mobile Vets. I have just got her call that the two visited five camps
and will stop for dinner and head back here.
One baby born a few weeks ago in one camp is undernourished because her
mother does not have enough milk. So, baby of Saj-ja is being fed with
powdered milk provided by FAE. Her body is fuller now. The mahout is taking
good care of her and feeds her with ripe bananas in between.
Motala is the one who sees most of the changes and she is , I would say, missing
her little friend, Aura.
Tah is still under musth but easy to handle. He is actually quite calm.
Champenm, Ma-nguay-low and Kamsoong are stable while our other four
residents are doing quite fine in this cold weather.
The temperature is approximately 10-14 C during the night. Should it drop we
shall light the bonfire to keep the elephants warm.
Baby Mo-too and Mo-jay's conditions improve. We shall let them come out for a
walk tomorrow morning. To check on their balance and most importantly to let
them exercise their muscles.
Good night!
Friends of the Asian Elephant
Updates of ~ Asian NGO’s Unite to Stop Live Elephant Trade from Thailand ~
Two Seriously Injured Babies, Sisters
The sisters injuries are almost the same, no foot pad left. ~
~ 20/04/2004 ~
Bangkok/Sun 1st June, 2003
Date: 10/13/2005
Dear Friends:
Once again please accept my apologies for the long silence in updating our
activities here.
I have just arrived here at FAE's Elephant Hospital last night and we have had a
busy and tough time trying to save lives.
Four elephants arrived yesterday with critical conditions. At four o'clock this
morning another two arrived with the same conditions, anorexia, depressed and
bloated. We suspect it is from the grass they ate that were contaminated with
One out of the seven (one came on the fourth of October) with the same
conditons, was in the most serious condition. He lay down and sat up and
completely restless. He collapsed this morning at 7:35 a.m. There was no life
sign and then he was gone.
His name was Boonnum, 35 years old.
They all came from the same elephant
camp in Chiangmai. The other six are under close observation but they are
gradually gaining back their health. Our vet team led by Dr. Preecha performed
the enema, giving intravenous followed by letting them walk to exercise.
I hope they would be better soon. A warning message from me has been sent out
to all camps for the precaution and prevention of feeding the elephants with
grasses. There might be some foul play as some camps are close to the
Another factor is it is getting colder in the north this time of the year, the
contaminated fodder causes indigestion. Young and too overgrown grass are
also the cause. Elephant would eat soil when their bodies are lack of minerals
could cause obstruction in the intestines.
However, there are other serious cases coming. Two elephants stepped on the
landmines are going to be transported from Nongbua, Tak Province to our
hospital. They could not find the trucks but eventually would. It is a distance of
400 kilogrammes and the roads are quite dangerous. They have to come slowly.
I shall write again when I can.
For the elephants,
Soraida Salwala
Founder & Secretary General
Friends of the Asian Elephant (FAE)
Dear friends:
I have just returned from Tokyo to give a keynote address on the subject above at the first international workshop held by ACATF.
The ATTACHED FILE is a summary of my speech for the press release.
Sincere regards,
Soraida Salwala
Date 10/13/05
Dear Friends:
Finally the two elephants that stepped on landmines arrived at 6:15 a.m. this morning. I was shocked when they opened the truck and saw two babies seriously injured.The two are sisters, walking alongside their mother but the mother was not hurt. Mo-jay is 6 years and 10 months old, severely injured on the right hind leg. Her foot is shredded and there is no foot pad left while Mo-too, her sister who is two and ten months old, is severely injured on the left front leg. The injuries are almost the same, no foot pad left. Mo-too has not weaned off and she cries for her mother but is always consoled by Mo-jay. She would reach her trunk out to touch her young sister in a way of saying, "I am here with you". It is a heart rending sight to see the two young ones suffering the same plight but do not lose courage. They have each other now and all of us as their only family. We have treated them with painkillers, anti-infection, dressed the wounds, etc. My staff shall send photos on a separate mail...Soraida  
Dear Jody:
I am in Lampang now with Motala.
She is doing great and she has a new friend KAMPRAI, who is expecting a baby soon.
I believe the two like each other as they seem to be very friendly. Kramprai is housed next to Motala.
Motala is kept in her shelter because it rains a lot these days. However, she could move around eating grass and bananas. She loves her morning snacks of horse pellets. She would lie down often to rest on the soft sand bed we make for her. There is no bed sores on her body. The amputated left foot is closing. It is another three inches with the skin and tissues growing.
Apart from her new friend Kamprai, Motala enjoys the company of baby Noel who is housed next to her shelter during the day time. Noel was born in December last year (2003) from his mother Thongkwao. Noel loves to reach his trunk out as if to reach Aunty Motala and Motala would move nearer to Noel. Noel, then would splash water in the bucket happily.
They are so happy here and I try to make them happy as best I could. I talk to Motala many times a day, give her a hug every now and then. She loves to have me around and when I am not here, she seems unhappy and refuses to eat, so the mahout has to tell her every day that 'Mother is working and she misses you so much and you ought to eat to be healthy'. To every one's surprise, she will put her trunk up and start to eat again.
I shall try to send her recent photos to you as soon as I can.
Thank you so much for being there for all the animals and for being there for me too.
Soraida has named the calf Auro because he was born at dawn.
I am delighted to bring you this good news.
After KRAMPRAI's arrival at FAE's Elephant Hospital on 20/04/2004, we had staff on shifts to watch over her 24 hours.
On Friday 17th September around 5.00 p.m., Kamprai showed sign. After twelve hours, at 5:00 am. on Saturday 18th Sept., she was in labour and delivered a healthy male baby at 6:16 a.m.
The new baby weighs more than a hundred kilogrammes with 91 cm. in height. He has five nails on each front foot and four nails on the hind ones.
His mother accepts him and is feeding him all right.
I have attached his photo here.
Best regards,
Soraida Salwala
Thursday 12 Feb 2004
Dear friends:
I am sorry for not being able to send you photos of THONGKWAOU's baby whom I have named 'NOEL'. Hope to send them to you soon. He is healthy and naughty as all babies are. BEE-BEE and Nokia are also doing well.
Apart from our five permanent
residents and three other elephants that are injured by landmines, we have another three tuskers with infection on their feet and tusks' cavity.
Sunday 15 Feb 2004
At 8.30 p.m. last night, two severely injured female and a tusker arrived. Both were attacked by the same bull elephant.
On Saturday 14th February, 2004 at 9.00 a.m., BOONMEE [a 32-year-pld cow] was attacked by Plai RACHAN. Plai RACHAN is a 40-year-old tusker who has been in musth for the past 15 days and got loose from his chain.
BOONMEE was chained to a tree when she was attacked. Her right hind leg is deformed, it must have been broken.
Other injuries on her hip, etc.
At 4.00 p.m. the same day, Plai Rachan attacked a tusker, Plai Tah who also was nearby. His hind leg is deformed too. It must have been broken.
BOONMEE AND TAH worked at a newly opened elephant camp in Chiangmai. They were both chained to the trees. Tah was chained 30 metres away from the camp. He has been in musth too.
RACHAN has been shot on four legs to stop him. We are enquiring about his conditions too since no one could tell us how he is.
BOONMEE and TAH would be sedated on Monday morning to put the bamboo casts on their legs to support them before we make the fiberglass casts. It would be tough for both of them. If they cannot make it, we have no other choice.
It has been a busy weekend, another patient arrived this afternoon. Pung KWANG, a 70-year-old cow collapsed last night and she was transported to us. We'll start intravenous in a short while. She has lost her appetite. It must have been her old age. The digestion fails. She is deteriorating.
However, we are doing our best for them.
For the elephants,
Soraida Salwala
To: JodysJungle.com
Eighteen hours after the birth of Thongkwaou's baby, NOEL, Thongkwaou finally allowed him to feed from her.
At birth Noel was 96 c.m. in height and weighed approx 110 KG. He was slightly bigger than BEE-BEE. He is a sweet baby and Thongkwaou is proving to be a good mother.
I am sad to send you the sad news after such a good one.
TOUR, the tusker I wrote to you about, had to be put down this morning.
He has slept peacefully at last.
Soraida Salwala
Friends of the Asian Elephant [FAE]
has fully recovered but shall have to change her diets to more digestive
ones. Since she has aged a lot, her hearing is not so good and her right
eye sight that she could dimly see is failing her.
SANGTHIEN whose tail we had to amputate on the 20th May is recovering well
from the two surgeries of abcesses on his right leg.
THE OTHER FOUR PERMANENT RESIDENTS, apart from Tanthong are doing all right.
TAHNEE's anemia is still closely watched. EKHE,AUAN,MOTALA are very
cooperative; with their new friends around, they are acting as the happy
MANGUAY-LOW is also has some problem with anemia and eats less so we have
her on intravenous and has started a special diet on her menu yesterday i.e.
plain cooked rice with yellow beans mixed with sugar and salt. She consumes
this well.
CHAMPEN is improving and the growing nail and sole make her scratch them on
the corners of the cement disinfectant tank, so I have them rubbed off and
rounded up with cement. No sharp corners for her to rub the new tissues on.
I am not sure I had missed this case in my previous message but:
PLAI PONG, a ten-year old male who came on the 23rd April went back on the
29th April. His vomit stopped and he could eat and drink normally.
are happy mother and child but TINY's naughtiness has caused him several
falls and stings from bugs but we built a wooden wide pen for them to stay.
TINY could wander in there freely with his mother but when he grows taller,
I am sure he would try to climb it. We'll see to that.
JOKIA, the expecting mother still has more months before her pregnancy is
THONG-KWAOU, another expecting mother has already shown signs, the baby is
13] TOKI
the inflammation of the abcesses have reduced.
Mother, PUNG BOONDEE and her unnamed female baby of four years old arrived
on the 24th May. The baby had diarrhea but is recovering now.
FAE was informed at 2.00 a.m of 29th May that a female baby was born in one
of the Elephants Camps in Chiangmai but unfortunately, ANG-KOR, her mother
tried to kill her. Dr. Piak rushed there and reported back that the baby
sufferred from internal bleeding. We managed to feed her with her mother's
milk in the bottle. It was ANG-KOR's first baby. FAE had warned all owners
that to be on the safe side, all expecting mothers nearing the full time of
pregnancy should be brought to FAE's Elephant Hospital. Some of them did
not listen. The baby died early last night after the convulsion with the
veterian by her side. We had done our best. The postmortem showed severe
bleeding in liver and other organs.
Elephants in captivity are killing their babies more than ever and FAE has
been very much concerned.
I will try to have photos of TINY sent to you or updates on our web.
Thank you for your continued support.
For the elephants,
Soraida Salwala
Founder& Secretary General
Friends of the Asian Elephant [FAE]